Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Whom Now?

Hello again, random recipients of my trickle-down of postings! Now, I don't usually do requests, but seeing as how I've been ignoring my commenters to the point that my readership now resembles the dried up fern corpse sitting in the dark corner over there, I thought I'd answer a question that eraty posed in a comment to my previous post...what do I think of The Who?

I think they're pretty good, I guess. Pete Townsend certainly had flashes of brilliance ("Behind Blue Eyes", "Eminence Front", "Love, Reign O'er Me", "Let My Love Open The Door"), and nobody, but nobody, has got better songs about pinball and squeezeboxes.

But mostly, when I think of The Who, I think of this stupid thing I heard on the radio a few years ago, making fun of then Minnesota Governator Jesse "The Mind" Ventura.

And then I think of this:

Which inevitably leads me to this:

And from there I'm on YouTube half the damn day.

So yeah, I'd say The Who are good, yet uneven band; a better than average outfit overshadowed by the British supergroups they were unfortunate enough to have rose to prominence with.

Listening to: Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
via FoxyTunes

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Friday, April 04, 2008

FRE - Why I like the South Park

Sure, I don't agree with everything they do. Of course, they tweak my delicate liberal sensibilities, what with their crass criticism of Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But they often enough get things right, in my opinion. And they can do so many things that are so wrong, yet I can't stop laughing at them. Butters is my favorite:

And now every episode of South Park in available on line for free!

How about some more songs, then?

1) PJ Harvey - Sheela-na-gig.

Maybe I'll get so see one on my big trip to Scotland...but I'm not going out of my way.

2) Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong.

Radiohead made a classic appearance in the episode about Scott Tenorman.

3) Fiona Apple - Shadowboxer.

This is the first Fiona song I ever heard...still love it.

4) Beck - Truckdrivin' Neighbor Downstairs.

Actually, across the street, in my case. Ironically, the truck drivin' neighbor is actually nice; the meth heads live to the west of our house.

5) Beethoven - Egmont Overture.

Keepin' it classy!

6) The Amps - Mom's Drunk.

So very psyched that the Breeders have a new album coming out.

7) Pixies - Levitate Me.

Twofer of sorts.

8) Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe.

A song about a jerk that kills his woman what done him wrong.

9) PJ Harvey - When Under Ether.


10) Best Friends Forever - How BFF Breaks It Off With Movie Stars.

Will Orlando Bloom go out with the girls from a small-time midwestern girl band? Not if Jess and Brianna have anything to do with it.

11) Jarvis Cocker - Don't Let Him Waste Your Time.

I'm not a huge fan of of Pulp, or even of Jarvis's solo album in general, but this song has really grown on me.
I'm sure they wouldn't like him on South Park.

Listening to: Hum - Suicide Machine
via FoxyTunes

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